Setup Your Environment

1. Inform your AWS Account: In order to access the BDSP data you need to have a AWS account and inform your Amazon ID on your profile settings here. Do not enter the dashes, only numbers.

  • If you donʼt have an AWS ID already may need to create one here
  • The Amazon ID is shown when you click the account ID on the top right of the webpage

2. Create your AWS Access Key: You need an AWS Access Key to interact with the BDSP data. If you don't have one, you can follow these steps to create one: Create access key.

  • IMPORTANT: Make sure that the AWS account you are creating your AWS Access Keys is the same one you provided on your BDSP profile.

3. Download the AWS CLI: Now you need to download and install the latest version of the AWS CLI (Command Line Interface). You can find instructions to download and install here.

4. Setup your credentialsIn the terminal, type: aws configure – then paste then inform your credentials when requested:

$ aws configure

AWS Access key ID: <<enter your access key>>
AWS Secret Access Key: <<enter your secret access key>>
Default region name: us-east-1
Default output format: json


Access the BDSP data

Each project has its own AWS Access Point where the data is located. After you sign the Data User Agreement (DUA), you will see at the bottom of the project a link to Request access to the data.

Listing Data from Access Point:

  1. To access data from access point just type: aws s3 ls <access_point> you are going to see list of directories available from specific access point.
# List Folders:
$ aws s3 ls s3://<<accesspointname>>/<<project_folder>>

# Copy a file:
$ aws s3 cp s3://<<accesspointname>>/<<project_folder>>/<<file_name>> /<<your_local_path>>/

# Copy a folder:
$ $ aws s3 cp s3://<<accesspointname>>/<<project_folder>> /<<your_local_path>> --recursive


Access Point Format:



You can find the access point name at the bottom of the project after you sign the DUA.