This page displays an alphabetical list of all the databases on Brain Data Science Platform. To search content on Brain Data Science Platform, visit the search page. Enter the search terms, add a filter for resource type if needed, and select how you would like the results to be ordered (for example, by relevance, by date, or by title).
Each project is made available under one of the following access policies:
- Open Access: Accessible by all users, with minimal restrictions on reuse.
- Restricted Access: Accessible by registered users who sign a Data Use Agreement.
- Credentialed Access: Accessible by registered users who complete the credentialing process and sign a Data Use Agreement.
Open databases
- Assessing Risk of Health Outcomes From Brain Activity in Sleep: Using sleep EEG to predict future health outcomes.
- Continuous EEG Predicts Delayed Cerebral Ischemia After SAH: Data and code to reproduce results in "Continuous Electroencephalography Predicts Delayed Cerebral Ischemia after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Prospective Study of Diagnostic Accuracy"
- The Human Burst Suppression Electroencephalogram of Deep Hypothermia: Data and code to reproduce the results from "The human burst suppression electroencephalogram of deep hypothermia" investigating EEG changes and burst suppression during deep hypothermia.
- VE-CAM-S: Visual EEG-Based Grading of Delirium Severity and Associations with Clinical Outcomes: This dataset supports a published prospective cohort study using machine learning to develop the Visual EEG Confusion Assessment Method Severity (VE-CAM-S) scale for quantifying delirium and coma severity.
Restricted databases
- E-CAM-S: Physiological Assessment of Delirium Severity: The Electroencephalographic Confusion Assessment Method Severity Score: Data and code for quantifying delirium severity using EEG signals, from van Sleuwen et al. 2022, "The Electroencephalographic Confusion Assessment Method Severity Score (E-CAM-S)."
- Harvard Electroencephalography Database: Harvard Electroencephalography Database
- I-CARE: International Cardiac Arrest REsearch consortium Electroencephalography Database: Multicenter clinical and EEG Database including patients who were comatose after cardiac arrest. This database includes 1,020 patients and more than 50,000 hours of continuous EEG from 7 hospitals in the U.S. and Europe.
- Real-Time Segmentation of Burst Suppression Patterns in Critical Care EEG Monitoring: Data and code to automatically detect periods of suppression in critically ill ICU patients.
- SPaRCNet data: Seizures, Rhythmic and Periodic Patterns in ICU Electroencephalography: "Interrater Reliability of Expert Electroencephalographers Identifying Seizures and Rhythmic and Periodic Patterns in EEGs" and "Development of Expert-Level Classification of Seizures and Rhythmic and Periodic Patterns During EEG Interpretation"
- The Human Sleep Project: The Human Sleep Project (HSP) is a large collection of clinical sleep physiology recordings created to enable brain health research.
Credentialed databases
- Harvard-Emory ECG Database: The Harvard ECG database (HEEDB) is a large collection of 12-lead electrocardiography (ECG) recordings.
Contributor Review databases
- No databases available.