BDSP Restricted Health Data Use Agreement
If I am granted access to the database:
- I will not attempt to identify any individual or institution referenced in BDSP restricted data.
- I will not share access to BDSP restricted data with anyone else.
- I will exercise all reasonable and prudent care to maintain the physical and electronic security of BDSP restricted data.
- If I find information within BDSP restricted data that I believe might permit identification of any individual or institution, I will report the location of this information promptly by email to, citing the location of the specific information in question.
- I will use the data for the sole purpose of lawful use in scientific research and no other.
- This agreement may be terminated by either party at any time, but my obligations with respect to BDSP data shall continue after termination.
Back to SPaRCNet data: Seizures, Rhythmic and Periodic Patterns in ICU Electroencephalography v1.1